Africa in Motion-Teleportation

Piwai | Richmond | USA

Mbira music serves as both a symbol of our past and the connection between the living and the dead. It is an ancient telephone to the spirit realm. We can traverse from the physical to the spiritual realm to find healing. I use mbira as a portal that allows us to “teleport”. Bakanal de Afrique Fellowship has been a great experience for me because I needed to be artistically challenged. For a change I needed to be in a confined and yet creative space, with time limits, alongside other creatives from a multiplicity of disciplines. I create music as it is the only space that I can create without the restrictions from family, community, society and the world. It’s unlimited audible travel. Above all, music, heals me, gives me a sense of self and a close connection to my heritage through language, dance & rhythm. This project allows me to connect people to whom they are; self and heritage. Our emotions throughout time have allowed us to survive through travels whether forced or unforced. What inspires me is the sense of healing that music brings to us when we physically and mentally travel. Music, through rhythm, melodies and harmonies allows our mind to wander through invisible and audible spaces while we navigate in the physical spaces. I call it Teleportation and I invite anyone who wants a strong connection with one’s heritage to teleport to invisible audible spaces and see not just the world, but the universe.I invite you on trip to teleport both your conscious and subconscious mind to provide insight in understanding how we learn about ourselves. ...Handei!!!


Production Credit

Artwork: Tati

Music: Dj.Ka.V, Melissa Jones

Mixing: Chris at Nexus Studios

about the artist





From West Africa to South Phoenix THISnTHAT Podcast