Infinite Arrival

Lauren Baccus | Miami, FL | United States

“Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop” - The Fractal Foundation

Language still in process - The immigrant story; creating homes where we are and in the process, building cities. A juxtoposition to the colonial conqueror, our traveller comes not to dominate, but create.

Bakanal de Afrique is important to this time and space because it speaks to the African diaspora in the present and future tense. I am always looking towards future moments within which Blackness will be present, and where Caribbean people will be present. But those future selves are intimately connected to the past. Even now, we often fail to acknowledge the spaces that we have created at home and abroad.

In that way, costume design is a time machine, taking me into imagined spaces in search of patterns or hidden truths. My work says everything about me and the space that I create in urban America; as a Black woman, as a Black Caribbean woman, and as a child of an immigrant. It says that space is both valuable and valid. It says the work that was done before me and that will be done after me is valuable and valid.

Production Credits
Words by Mayra Santos-Febres / Videography by Kevin Eligwe

about the artist





a new memory