a new memory

nwaobiala | Prince George's County | Nigeria/America


‘a new memory’ is a collection of Nigerian Queer and gender marginalized memory, refuting gender and sexuality marginalization as a static aspect of Nigerian culture. Quilting together archival footage and present-day literary, audio, and visual media, it narrates a full and truthful Nigerian history that colonization, queerphobia, and gender marginalization attempted to destroy. While recounting an obscured history, ‘a new memory’ argues that though Nigerian Queer and Trans people have always existed, they deserve a life that is grander than what indigenous Nigerian culture allows, and currently, they are demanding it. ‘a new memory’ serves as a vehicle of revelation, critique, and demand. As a queer and non-binary Nigerian-American multi-disciplinary artist, my work facilitates global conversations on gender and queerness in the Black Diaspora through video quilting and experimental film, allowing me to reflect on history, past and pop culture, and thus reimagine an equitable, loving future. By traveling between the past, present, and future while stitching together a new collective memory, I am fueling the movement towards freedom from queerphobia and gender marginalization.

Production Credits

Listed in video

about the artist



Infinite Arrival


Words on Wheels